Bradley Robert
Bradley Robert has lived in New Mexico for 25 years where he has a wife and 3 children. He earned his BS in Psychology from The University of New Mexico in 2017. As an undergraduate he volunteered as a research assistant on a project investigating memory consolidation during sleep using transcranial stimulation, which led to an interest in non-invasive stimulation modalities, neuroimaging techniques such as EEG, and learning and memory.
Bradley is specifically interested in how the human brain interacts with non-invasive forms of neuromodulation (such as transcranial electrical stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation, transcranial ultrasound stimulation, and photobiomodulation) with a focus on network level functional improvements. His current work involves investigating closed-loop transcranial alternating current stimulation to modulate post-sleep encoding, he has also been working on a project using transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) to modulate response inhibition.
When Brad is not in the lab (LOL) he is spending time with his wife and kids, playing with his dogs, and enjoying the beautiful Sandia mountains.