CICI: RDP: SAMPRA: Scalable Analysis, Management, and Protection of Research Artifacts

Departmental News

Posted: Dec 18, 2018 - 12:00am

The SAMPRA grant for $598,594 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) is funding UNM to design and deploy a collection of software, hardware, and training for a system that will store and preserve sensitive student records, health records, research participant information, and other identifiable personal data, and will allow UNM to teach people to use it properly, and provide them with the training and expertise to use the hardware and software effectively to protect the data.

The project will enable UNM to compete more effectively for research grants and do more cutting-edge work in fields such as psychology, social sciences, and sponsored work such as research and development for startup industries. Patrick Bridges Principle Investigator (PI) and Director of CARC expects the system could be in operation in late 2020.

“We have the potential to really increase UNM’s ability to support innovation and technological and economic development for the community, Albuquerque, and the State of New Mexico,” Bridges said.  Additional PIs named as part of the grant are Vincent Clark, Director of the Psychology Clinical Neuroscience Center; Kevin Comerford, Director of Digital Initiatives at University Libraries, Vince Calhoun, Director of the Mind Research Network; and Brian Pietrewicz, Deputy CIO of Computing Platforms at UNM Information Technologies.  What a team!  What a project!
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